Book blog Young adult

My Year So Far

As everyone is fully aware it’s been a very strange start to the year. I started of the year stressing about GCSE’s and having to do lots of revision in order to get the grades that I wanted. However now all of that has been cut short I’ve been given all this additional extra time …

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Book blog

The Reading Women Challenge 2020

So this year I have decided to take part in this amazing challenge. The idea is to widen the variety of books you are reading whilst making sure to read books that are written by women (or at least about women). As my blog is named after a feminist movement I thought that this would …

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Book blog

2019 Reading Favourites

I’ve read so many books over the last year. I’m sure that I’m not the only person who feels like this year has passed in a flash. I’ve discovered so many new books in 2019! I’ve found some new authors that I’ve grown to love and read some stories that have really changed me as …

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Book blog

My Christmas Eve Traditions

It’s finally that exciting time of year again. one more sleep til Christmas. for many people all across the world Christmas Eve is a very important night. each country having their own specific traditions! Here are some traditions that we like to do in our family on Christmas Eve. Jolabokaflod Jolabokaflod is an Icelandic Christmas …

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Book blog

Library Haul!!

Last week I decided that it would be a good idea to go to the library so that I could return one of the books I had borrowed. I entered with one book and left with another four. It seems I simply can not resist library books!!! here is a little peak into what books …

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Book blog

My Winter Reading List

As Autumn comes to a close Winter begins to loom over. It feels only a few weeks since the year first begin yet here we are in our penultimate month of the year. And so begins my Winter reading. Here are a list of books that I really want to read this winter. I hope …

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